With its central location and multicultural population, Luxembourg can be leveraged by startups as an ideal test market to develop concepts and explore new products/services. Research centres are open to jointly push your innovative concepts forward.
Small and international, Luxembourg is seen as a neutral location making it easy for you to gain a foothold on the culturally diverse European markets and facilitate access to global partners in order to grow.
The Luxembourg economy has been growing steadily over the years, continuously outperforming the EU average. Today, as one of only eleven countries worldwide with an AAA rating, Luxembourg has solid macroeconomic fundamentals and offers strong long-term growth possibilities.
Luxembourg has always valued international cooperation. Entrepreneurs who have chosen the Grand Duchy to grow their startups know this better than anyone else.
Over the last decades, Luxembourg has been continually opening up to new ideas, innovating and reinventing its economy by constantly adapting to changes and challenges. Today, Luxembourg is a global financial centre, a rapidly growing European hub for commercial space activities and a pioneer in developing a data-related standard for circular products.
Luxembourg focuses on developing a robust data economy and a startup ecosystem centred on data-driven innovation.
The country's digital infrastructure, which is already outstanding in terms of connectivity, cybersecurity expertise and secure data storage capacities, is being further boosted, by the business-oriented high performance computer (HPC) MeluXina that opened its doors in spring 2021. While most HPCs are foreseen as pure research frameworks, 65% of MeluXina’s capacity is available to start-ups, SMEs and large companies.
Data-driven innovation will revolutionise how we do business and make it possible to deliver solutions with unprecedented speed and flexibility.
Luxembourg is also a land of research. The University of Luxembourg was created in 2003. It is ranked 20th worldwide in the Young University ranking and counts over 6.000 students from more than 100 different countries.
The University’s renowned research centres include the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) and the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB). The country also counts a number of research institutes such as the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH).